How to Buy NFTs

There are currently two ways to buy an Arnilla Studios NFT. You can purchase directly from another holder via the Sologenic NFT Marketplace. Alternatively, you can purchase an NFT token and redeem it for a randomly generated NFT!

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The easiest way to purchase an NFT is via the secondary marketplace, Sologenic. The decentralised NFT Marketplace currently has >50,000 NFTs and allows you to purchase NFTs off existing owners.

1) View the Collection

You can view the entire collection of 2000 NFTs via the below links:
XZillas NFT Collection (XRPL)
Arnies NFT Collection (XRPL)

2) Connect XUMM Wallet

At the top right of the page, click 'connect wallet'.
Select the type of wallet you have (e.g. XUMM).
You will then need to scan the QR code and sign a transaction to login with your address.

3) Purchase using XRP/SOLO

Currently you can purchase our NFTs off existing holders using $XRP or $SOLO. In the future, you will also be able to bid for NFTs using an auction feature (post-XLS20).


The alternative option to purchasing an NFT is via the token swap process. This involves buying an NFT token (e.g. XZillas) and exchanging it for a randomly allocated NFT from the collection. This process gives you the opportunity to potentially receive one of the rare-themed NFTs!

Connect XUMM Wallet

Access the Sologenic XZillas/XRP or Arnies/XRP pair via the XZilla or Arnies LinkTree.
At the top right of the page, click 'connect wallet'.
Select the type of wallet you have (e.g. XUMM).
You will then need to scan the QR code and sign a transaction to login with your address.

Place an Order

We recommend placing a limit order over a market order. Select a price point and click 'place order'. 

You will then need to verify the transaction on your wallet (e.g. XUMM).

Join the Discord

Join the Discord and follow the steps in #token-to-nft. This involves sending your token to be burnt and in exchange, we will roll the 1-2000 Random Number Generator script. This will assign you with an NFT. You will then need to set the NFT trustline.

Steps to Receive Passive Yield

If you own an Arnilla Studios NFT, you can receive airdrop distributions of  ATMT on a fortnightly basis. To receive the token, simply add the trustline to the wallet/address which owns the Arnilla Studios NFT.

We will then airdrop you 1 ATOM Token per NFT you own per day. Regular ATMT token payments will be made to NFT holders for a minimum period of 4 years.